Oct 8, 2009

Testing! Hello world!

This is Zadno and Adamus just regular old gamers here to tell you what we have our Aion! With our very own podcast!

Episode 1.

*Hey... This is a podcast!
*Our feelings on the game
*Some of our experiences, and things we found to be interesting
*Some tips and tricks

This is just a first little diddy, to see what people out there think of our little podcast! Feel free to drop us a line

Email - msgtadamus@gmail.com
In game - Adamus or Zadno
Forums - GSG9.x.am (Yes, its all Legion of Lumiel!)


  1. Great stuff.. Looking forward to your next podcast!

  2. Hey, I've added you guys to my blogroll. Welcome to the Aion community.

  3. awesome work, waiting on the next podcast

  4. Assmodes>Sunsuckers! BYAWWW

  5. heehee, to each their own! I'll take ya Emodians down with one swift strike! :P

  6. Is there another way to listen to the podcast besides the imbedded player on the website?

    A downloadable MP3 would be nice.
